Monday, January 30, 2012

Sushi.. Things to know!

I found this post about the do's and don't of sushi and was very  intrigued to read it because I love sushi and have only eaten it Bozeman. No one tells you the proper way to enjoy sushi at a restaurant, people may take offense to it. The most interesting thing I thought about this sushi etiquette was when you dip your sushi into the soy sauce you are only suppose to dip the fish. and when you eat it the fish hits your tounge first, not the rice. I've always done it the opposite becuase I am always afraid the fish will fall off since it is just sitting on top of the rice and that's the best part!!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this before, but still love to make my wasabi soup and use chopsticks for every roll! Keep up the really great posts, makes my job better :)
